Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Figure Sketchers are "Drawing Attention" at Tom Robinson Studio/Gallery

The talented and friendly artists who sketch the live models at Chicago's Tom Robinson Studio/Gallery every Sunday put together a group exhibition: Drawing Attention II.
-- Fletcher

Seated Figure (detail), pastel on Canson Mi-Teintes paper, by Fletcher Hayes

Drawing Attention II

CHICAGO, Illinois – May 25, 2011 – A core group of artists draw together weekly and challenge themselves with the rigors of sketching the human figure from life. It takes patience. It takes guts. What they share is a need “to get it right” regardless of their artistic discipline. They are... painters, sculptors, photographers, miniaturists, and muralists. Their styles range from realism in pastels or Conte crayon techniques to near-abstraction in pencil and charcoal. What they produce reflects all the intensity and immediacy of a captured slice of being human.

The spontaneity found in gesture drawings carries over into their formal art. Their compositions include not only figurative works, but landscape, still life, portrait and pure abstraction.

Opening Reception (public invited) - Friday, June 3, 2011 from 5 to 9 pm
Exhibition: Through Saturday, July 2, 2011.
Hours: Saturdays: 12-5 pm or by appointment.

Tom Robinson Studio/Gallery
2416 W North Ave., Chicago, IL 60647
Phone 773-227-3144
Three blocks south from the “Western” Blue Line El stop; # 49 Western Ave bus to North Ave.

Colette Wright Adams
Ann Berg
Richard Bloomfield
Rita Dianni-Kaleel
Fletcher Hayes
Tyrue Jones
Jim MacRoberts
Julia Oehmke
Krish Sengupta
Charlie B. Thorne
Chuck Walker
Scott Gordon Wills

Tom Robinson -- artist, curator, arts administrator, competition founder and judge, teacher, innovator -- has been a driving force in the Chicago art scene for over 30 years. “I never tire of the ways different artists see and capture the same subject”, says Robinson. “The real difference comes from how the artists direct their attention.”

Tom Robinson
Owner, Tom Robinson Studio/Gallery
Phone: 773-227-3144